Name: James Hale Lindeman
Family: Wife Brigette, daughters Amanda (11) and Jordyn (9)
Location: Warsaw, Indiana
Three years after graduation, James Lindeman put Jonesboro in the rear-view mirror, wanting to see what was “out there.”
“On a whim, I moved to D.C. and hung out for a year and a half,” James remembers about his becoming a “nomad” at age 21. “From D.C., I packed up my Civic hatchback and made my way to Aspen, Colorado, for a year. After that, it was New Orleans for a year and a half and from there, Key West, Florida, for almost 5 years.
“Along the way, I met great people who I'm still close with today, ate a ton of great food, and had a blast seeing what else was ‘out there.’ "

But he says all of that pales in importance to “being with my kids and being a great dad and husband.” He and his wife Brigette in Indiana are raising Jordyn, 9, James’ daughter from a previous relationship, and Amanda, 11, James’ stepdaughter. (Amanda is left, Jordyn right in picture below)
James is an owner/operator of 10 CiCi’s Pizza franchise units in Virginia, Maryland and Indiana. But his road to being a successful pizza entrepreneur reflects his nomadic spirt.
Besides tending bar at his many stops, James also owned a jet ski
business in the Florida Keys and has been both state-licensed and nationally certified as a massage therapist. Some 13 years after high school, James earned a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University ... with the help of college credits beginning at Arkansas State and stringing through the University of New Orleans, two Florida community colleges and Florida Atlantic University.

James said that, of all the places he’s lived, his time in Key West had the most impact on his life. “It's a place I spent quality time in, a place where I was welcomed, and a place where I learned to invest and give back to relationships that will last a lifetime," he said.

“I don't know that I did too much to be remembered by, other than quietly holding my own academically and socially,” James said of his high school years. “Maybe my female classmates remember that I was always the friend and never the boyfriend, unfortunately enough for me ... who knows?”
So with both his business and family thriving, is there anything else “out there” for James?
“A (crazy) personal goal I've had for years is to graduate law school from the University of Notre Dame...maybe when I'm 50?”
I missed seeing you at our 10 year reunion, so get ready for our twenty!
Marcie (AKA: Bert)
Sounds like you are doing well. Look forward to seeing you in October.
Joe Hafner
Good to hear about James. I like this new feature! I hope you can get alot of people featured.
These are a lot of fun to do once I get the information back from folks, and James happened to have some great photos (used just a few here)
I'm hoping to do about 30 by reunion time -- not as many as I would like to do, but considering time limits and other constraints, that seems feasible.
James - what a great bio! I'm so glad to hear such great stories!!
James, it's so good to hear how many wonderful opportunities you've been able to experience. Good to hear how well you're doing!
James and Kevin:
James...way to go! I didn't know you were a skier? Sounds like the last 20 years have been a magical snow ride for you and your beautiful family...black diamonds, blue hearts and green clovers! Kevin I thought I was the only person who got excited about watching the weather channel...I love to see the red come across the screen! That’s too cool...I'd love to chase a tornado. Looking forward to seeing you both!
Kevin thanks for taking special time getting everyone excited about the reunion and reconnecting our past...your the bomb! Blair Huckabee Dean
Blair: Thanks for your kind comments ... and you get to be the NEXT bio!!! ... hope to have it sometime next week.
Well, it will probably be a couple of weeks on the next bio ... but I hope to keep them coming regularly through the spring and summer.
I am so excited to read about James! I've had a pretty tough day at the pharmacy today, and am smiling from ear to ear now reading about James. I've though of you often, James, and your smiling face and wonderful attitude. I think you helped me, more than you know, make the transition from VV to the awesome JHS! Thanks! I also remember my brother meeting you in KeyWest at a bar while he was in the NAVY. What a small world, huh! Keep in touch you guys. When it's all said & done, all we have are our friends and family!!!
Much Love,
Kristy Chitmon Reed
You did plenty of memorable stuff in high school, James. Just ask any of the kids who were 'weird'.
Oh, they remember you, all right. Don't ever doubt that. The teasers do, but the teasees never forget.
Sounds like your head is in a better space now, I'm very glad to hear it.
Hi James,
Glad to finally find you. Been trying to contact old friends from Jonesboro for several years now. I still remember painting the wall of your house next to the stairs in 7th grade while listening to Air Supply and Billy Squire.
Please give me a call. I'm not hard to find. Just Google my name.
(Same comment for all the other folks that went to Annie Camp and Valley View (I see notes from Christy and DeeDee above.) Would love to hear from all of you.
Best regards,
Mance Harmon
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