Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Great 80s TV

Guess what I am watching right now? My favorite TV show from high school. Can you guess? It's "Miami Vice"!! I remember videotaping the show on Friday nights because I was always at a JHS football game performing with the band. I would get home and watch my favorite show and just dream, dream, dream about Don Johnson. That show embodied all of the decadence that was the 80s. Neon colors, big hair, loafers without socks, Don Johnson. It's good stuff people.

So what were some of your favorite 80s TV shows?


Anonymous said...

Some of my favorites were: Moonlighting, Cheers, & Cosby Show. I didn't watch "Dallas" but remember the hoopla surrounding "Who shot J.R.?"

Anonymous said...

Moonlighting was sooo good!! I also loved Family Ties. My friends will say my favorite was Little House on the Prarie but that was really in Elementary School. Still love it though.

Angie Stricklin Buhrmester said...

Good call on "Moonlighting"!!

steve smith said...

Just the good ole boys, the dukes of hazzard, watched may shows with my senior year live in, Brandon Fuller...