Monday, December 31, 2007
At Least Some Things Don't Change...
Found this clip with Dick Clark rocking in 1988! Even though Ryan Seacrest has been co-hosting from Times Square since 2005, Dick Clark is still ticking along with his commentaries in the studio (It's good to know at least some things never change). This clip looks and sounds like every other "Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve" specials with some exceptions. At the end of the clip is a young John Stamos and Heather Locklear along with Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam and a view of a very young Dick Clark. Have a Safe and Happy New Year everyone and if you're at home, watch the ball drop in Times Square with Mr. Clark—it's still the same since 1988 (if you forget Ryan Seacrest)!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
JHS Golden Hurricane Marching Band
Yes, I was a band geek, but proud of it! Band was a very important part of my high school (and junior high) life. Most of my good friends were in the band and it allowed us to showcase our talent and have some of the best times I've ever had in my life. Whether on the bus or on the parking lot of the high school in 150 degree heat, we were having a ball. We all felt Hurricane pride when we marched in the various parades and gave our all in marching and symphonic competitions. We endured being called "the banana band" by other marching bands and sulked while we watched the band from Hope pull their equipment out of an 18-wheeler. I've tried to pinpoint my favorite band memory but there are too many. However, I would love to hear some of your favorite band memories!!
What 80's Fashion Statement Do You Wish Would Make A Comeback?
I was talking to some friends the other day about what 80's fashion statement we wished would come back in style. I thought about it and my vote is big hair. I think back to what I did to style my hair in high school and, although I used A LOT of product on my hair, nothing compares to the damage I do to it nowdays with the straight iron. Back in the day, you used mousse, a hair dryer (preferably with a diffuser), a pick and some Aqua Net and you were done! Alas, teasing and scrunching have now been replaced with flat ironing and shine serum.
So, big hair is my comeback wish. What about you?
So, big hair is my comeback wish. What about you?
Coach Riggs
I have to post a blog about having Coach Riggs for a biology teacher in 10th grade. I can't think of any teacher I would have rather had during a time that I am having to dissect something. Do any of you remember playing the "Who Gets the Dark Coffee/Spit Stain on Their Paper He Was Handing Out" game? When he would pass out papers, he would lick his fingers and, since he had been drinking coffee, would leave a stain on your paper. I remember comparing them with Janet Stallings. Also, he had the skeleton in his class that we would surround with food during the canned food drive. Not to mention the very old and scary Panchos cheese dip that was in his desk. I loved his class because he was Coach Riggs! Any thoughts? Anyone? Anyone?
Hello Out There!

You can see by the sitemeter information that the reunion blog is receiving lots of visitors (the sitemeter icon on the blog records visitor information and you can see where the visitors are from). Now I realize that there are accidental visitors as well as true "JHS Class of 88" alumni that come read the blog, but it's pretty cool how many people it shows that come by. Now if we could get as many people commenting as are just reading, that would be so much more interesting and fun. Some people have wondered how to leave a comment. Click on "comments" under the post and choose one of three ways. If you have a blogger account choose the first option (then people can click on you and find your blog to leave you a note), the second is to choose "nickname" and sign in your name, the third is to post "anonymously" and you don't have to put your name. And if you would like to post on the blog and relay your memories of our class or the 80s, please email and I'll add you to the author list.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Chances of a White Christmas?
Fast forward this video to 2:20 and see if you recognize the JHS Class of 88 member talking about the chances of a white Christmas for the Roanoke, Virginia area...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Remembering Mr. Hawkins

Those of us who went to MacArthur knew Mr. David Hawkins. I was sad to find out he passed away yesterday. I remember him as one of my favorite teachers growing up. Mr. Hawkins moved down to MacArthur from the high school our 9th grade year to teach physical science. He had a great sense of humor and made his classes fun and interesting. Mr. Hawkins taught in the Jonesboro School District for 32 years and retired from teaching in 2006. To sign the online guest book go to
Big "J" Rocks The House!
The year was 1986 of our Junior year around Homecoming. Remember Spirit Week where we all got to dress up? Well, I remember the Juniors having a meeting in the auditorium and we discussed what we wanted to do as a class to show our "spirit". Instead of doing something "easy" like harassing the sophomores and dressing up like "nerds" and putting signs on us that said "proud to be a sophomore" like the seniors had done to us the year before; we decided to be unique (as always). Someone suggested we dress in the style of the "world's oldest profession and their managers" (can you tell I'm trying not to say the slang-words or what?). Instead of dogging on the sophomores, we decided to wear signs on us that said, "Proud to be a Senior!" and "Seniors for Hire!" I remember that some members of the class of 1987 got a "little" upset and ripped signs off some of the juniors. After that meeting in the auditorium I remember Caprice Lasley standing up and with two foot stomps and a clap starting a chant that spread throughout the room, with everyone yelling over and over, "Big Juniors Rock the House!" Anyone else remember this or am I the only one?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The way it was: December 18, 1987

As our senior year closed in on Christmas, Jonesboro High School precipitated an international incident.
Don’t remember that? You must not have read Page 4 of the December 18, 1987, edition of the Golden Times, where a banner head screams: “JHS delegates walk out of UN.”
It turns out that JHS’ first-ever team in the Arkansas Mock United Nations got assigned to be Barbados. “Once in the General Assembly, the true insignificance of Barbados shone through,” the story, by Travis Justice (Class of ’89) stated. So the five-member team that included four JHS-88ers (Fran Bailey, Shea Burns, Chris Harris and Melinda Stringer) walked out.
But that political brouhaha couldn’t hold the front page when the Mr. Kool pageant was coming up in just 34 short days.
Joining the Mr. Kool preview on the front page were Kelley Gibbard being crowned Miss Hurricane, the National Honor Society inducting 32, the naming of our class’ “Who’s Who” and William Cheatham being named the 1987/88 winner of the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citzenship Award.
“He wants to attend the University of Arkansas, major in pre-med and pursue a career as a general surgeon,” the article on Cheatham states. No mention of wanting to be a principal or marrying Marcie Brooks.
I’ve caught up on fall issues of the paper so that I can now post each new edition on the actual date it was published. The next Golden Times issue is not until Feb. 1, so I’ll have some time to start profiling a few of our classmates for this blog.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Working in High School

I remember in the summer they usually had a hot dog stand out front of the store. When the stand closed down, they would give the left over hot dogs to the stockboys. One time, a co-worker ran into the stockroom and asked "Mr Morris" if he could go on break cause he just got some free HOT DOGS. Without blinking an eye, Mark asked "Did you get me one?" When he replied "No", Mark said "Then you got some COLD DOGS...get back to work!" The rest of us just busted out laughing! The customers that visited the Washington Store were a HOOT! I remember one lady asking if the "Tomato Ketchup" was better than the regular Ketchup. (Maybe you had to be there!) Sometimes after busting it all night to get the store stocked some of us would drive to West Memphis to eat Krystal hamburgers. I still LOVE Krystals ... I can't believe they did not make it in Jonesboro! Some of my coworkers included Mike Hawkins, Jason Grubb, Mark Morris, Mickey Ryan (HHS), Joe Crumpton, Sydney Linderman, and Lawrence Williams (at Woodsprings store). Lawrence was in a Hays commerical juggling oranges to "Benny and the Jets".
At graduation, Mike & I thought it would be funny to send Benny Hays (THE MAN HIMSELF) a graduation announcement. The next week at work, the Manager called Mike and I out to his car ..... Mr. Hays had a gift for us because we were the only ones that sent him an announcement. If I remember it was a thick, green towel!
Working in High School was one of the best times of my life. There was no bills or mortgage... just had to make enough to put gas the my 1974 Dodge Challenger and have some left for dates. I saved up money to buy a leather "Members Only" Bomber jacket. If I remember correctly, it cost $250 in 1987. I still wear that jacket to work! What a great investment! (However, Tonya says it is time to give it up!) NEVER! I at $3.35 per hour (my starting rate), I worked over 80 hours just to buy that jacket.
So tell me about where you worked during High School!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Era of Reaganomics
Since our country is gearing up for the presidential elections next year, I thought a post about our 80s president, Ronald Reagan was in order. Now, my memories of Reagan are pretty "warm and fuzzy", probably because I didn't pay too much attention to politics in the 80s (I wonder why?). This video is a raw look at the Reagan presidency and shows both the positive and negative opinions of him as president. There is also footage of the assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. Since it's on MTV, of course there is 80s music and commentaries from musicians and actors—and that alone makes it entertaining.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Just a Waste of Gas...
Cruising. You know you did it. Everyone did it. Now that I look back and I'm old...such a waste of gas. :-) But it was only $1.08 gallon back then, and not almost $3.00 (like now in Jonesboro). So much fun, to not have to worry about anything REALLY important like kids, mortgages and bills. I found this video on Youtube of someone cruising in Jonesboro (it's amazing what you find on there). It goes kind of fast, and it's kind of long but it's set to a catchy tune and shows all the major cruising streets of Jonesboro. You can find it here. Of course the Nettleton cruise was always the most popular...down Nettleton, turn around at Sonic, back up Nettleton, left on Caraway and right into Burger King. Go around the drive through and back down Nettleton and go again, and again, and again. Good times, good times. :-)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Speaking of Indians...
Since I mentioned the "Indians" in the previous post it reminded me of hanging out at the ASU football games on the hill. It was much more fun sitting there on the cold, hard ground with friends than in the nice, comfortable seats with your parents. :-) I don't know when they stopped letting people sit there, I guess when they built the fence around the field. Anyone know when they stopped that? Also, I remember going to the Indian Fieldhouse to watch ASU basketball games, as well as a few concerts. I went to "The Pointer Sisters" there. But, actually I didn't watch the basketball games I hung out at the top of the bleachers with the other kids. These are junior high memories rather than high school, but memories from the 80s nonetheless. By the way, does anyone have any favorites for the Indian name change?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Indian Mall Becomes "Caraland"

Yes, "Caraland" will be the new mall where Indian Mall once stood. I guess since the "Indians" are getting a new name as well, it only makes sense to makeup a new name for the new mall too. We weren't sure what was going to happen to the mall not too long ago, but now it's official.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Stop! Go Back!
So we were watching TV this past Saturday flipping through channels and we pass through the VTN Network. Then we think we see a familiar face. "Isn't that Stephen Hester?" So we go back and check it out. Sure enough it was (Stephen was an extra in the movie, he says he got paid $10 for his efforts). We were seeing "The Pretender", filmed by the Christiano Brothers here in Jonesboro in the mid-80s. Of course I had to watch the whole thing. There is a slew of JHS alumni in the film as well as shots of the JHS football field, Annie Camp, downtown Jonesboro, Central Baptist church (which is no longer there) and the old Piero's restaurant. The clothes are wonderfully great and truly 80s. You'll recognize 3 JHS graduates. Two were a year older than us and one has a real career in movies/TV to this day. The Christiano Brothers also produced two other movies with our very own drama teacher, Keith Salter in the leads. You can also find these here as well.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Danger! Death Scene!
Frankenstein's monster roared with anger, throwing a rope around my neck -- choking my very life away. As my consciousness began to slip, I fell to one knee and then...ooh, fuzzy bunnies!
Strange what goes through one's mind as everything around him ceases to exist. This event happened during one of our last rehearsals for the play Frankenstein. In this scene, the Creature (good friend Greg Murray) was supposed to choke me to death using a chain found in Victor Frankenstein's laboratory. However, for rehearsal, we simply used a rope, thinking it would be less likely to actually kill me (though we used a real chain in the actual play -- which I guess means that if it did kill me, that would have just added to the drama). Anyway, I was supposed to get my fingers between the rope and my neck, and then just "act" like I was dying; however, Greg was always too damn fast, and I never could get my fingers where they needed to be in time. On this particular day though, Greg was truly inspired, and he choked me until I really passed out.
After each rehearsal, especially the later ones (which this was), Mr. Salter would evaluate and critique our performance. The thing to keep in mind here is that after I passed out, Greg let me fall to the ground, where I lay until the scene was over. No one at this point even knew what had happened (eventually I woke up on the floor -- disappointed the bunnies were gone). When Mr. Salter got to my performance evaluation, everything went pretty well until he got to my "death scene". He wanted to know what the hell I was doing; why was I being such a doofus?
Apparently my real-life death throes were too awkward and staged, which makes me wonder that when I really do die, will anyone actually believe me?
By the way, Victor Frankenstein was played by Donnie Keshawarz, who has been seen in shows like 24, Lost and The Sopranos. Check out his IMDB page here. Too bad I didn't keep in touch.
Strange what goes through one's mind as everything around him ceases to exist. This event happened during one of our last rehearsals for the play Frankenstein. In this scene, the Creature (good friend Greg Murray) was supposed to choke me to death using a chain found in Victor Frankenstein's laboratory. However, for rehearsal, we simply used a rope, thinking it would be less likely to actually kill me (though we used a real chain in the actual play -- which I guess means that if it did kill me, that would have just added to the drama). Anyway, I was supposed to get my fingers between the rope and my neck, and then just "act" like I was dying; however, Greg was always too damn fast, and I never could get my fingers where they needed to be in time. On this particular day though, Greg was truly inspired, and he choked me until I really passed out.
After each rehearsal, especially the later ones (which this was), Mr. Salter would evaluate and critique our performance. The thing to keep in mind here is that after I passed out, Greg let me fall to the ground, where I lay until the scene was over. No one at this point even knew what had happened (eventually I woke up on the floor -- disappointed the bunnies were gone). When Mr. Salter got to my performance evaluation, everything went pretty well until he got to my "death scene". He wanted to know what the hell I was doing; why was I being such a doofus?
Apparently my real-life death throes were too awkward and staged, which makes me wonder that when I really do die, will anyone actually believe me?
By the way, Victor Frankenstein was played by Donnie Keshawarz, who has been seen in shows like 24, Lost and The Sopranos. Check out his IMDB page here. Too bad I didn't keep in touch.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Devazier Steps Down
Here's an update on Hurricane football for people that are out-of-town. Coach Jim Devazier has stepped down as the head football coach at Jonesboro High School. A new coach has not been named. More information on this here.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Great 80's Music
Hellooooooo classmates!
First of all, thanks to Marcie for the awesome intro on the home page! It took me a minute to get in because I can't remember passwords, something we didn't have to deal with in high school. Just locker combinations and I struggled with those because I wasn't good in math :)
I am glad to be blogging on our reunion website, although it's impossible for me to believe it's been 20 years since graduation. I can't be that old, can I??? Well if I am, that means YOU are too so, nah.
My first blog HAS to be about 80's music because that is such a big high school memory for me. I, of course, was into the English bands. My favorite being Duran Duran. The 80's was the decade that introduced MTV and ran the network as a Music Television channel and not the RTV - Reality Television station it's turned into today. You could count on MTV to play a Duran Duran video every two hours (just in case you were wondering) and in between those two hours I was introduced to the other music my friends loved and played when I was in their vehicles.
The 80s also saw Van Halen, not Van Hagar, "Jump", Michael Jackson when he looked like the Michael Jackson that Katherine Jackson gave birth to and Wham! before George Michael found "Faith". It was also the time that my tenth grade boyfriend introduced me to my favorite male singer of all time....Sting (thanks Mike). That was some good stuff!!
If I've left out your favorite band, I'm sorry and feel free to leave a comment about your favorite bands of the 80's.
When I think of the 80's, high school and great memories....I think of 80's music.
First of all, thanks to Marcie for the awesome intro on the home page! It took me a minute to get in because I can't remember passwords, something we didn't have to deal with in high school. Just locker combinations and I struggled with those because I wasn't good in math :)
I am glad to be blogging on our reunion website, although it's impossible for me to believe it's been 20 years since graduation. I can't be that old, can I??? Well if I am, that means YOU are too so, nah.
My first blog HAS to be about 80's music because that is such a big high school memory for me. I, of course, was into the English bands. My favorite being Duran Duran. The 80's was the decade that introduced MTV and ran the network as a Music Television channel and not the RTV - Reality Television station it's turned into today. You could count on MTV to play a Duran Duran video every two hours (just in case you were wondering) and in between those two hours I was introduced to the other music my friends loved and played when I was in their vehicles.
The 80s also saw Van Halen, not Van Hagar, "Jump", Michael Jackson when he looked like the Michael Jackson that Katherine Jackson gave birth to and Wham! before George Michael found "Faith". It was also the time that my tenth grade boyfriend introduced me to my favorite male singer of all time....Sting (thanks Mike). That was some good stuff!!
If I've left out your favorite band, I'm sorry and feel free to leave a comment about your favorite bands of the 80's.
When I think of the 80's, high school and great memories....I think of 80's music.
The way it was: Nov. 20, 1987

The Class of ’88 led a pair of sports champions in the fall of 1987.
The volleyball team, pictured above (OK, I snagged this from the yearbook, as the print quality of the newspaper version was awful), won the Class AAAA state championship in Conway.
The wildest thing about that: The team was losing in the state semifinals against Bryant, when the lights went out in the University of Central Arkansas’ arena. Play was stopped until the lights could come back on, the momentum switched, and JHS rolled.
The football team, meanwhile, won a share of the AAAA-East conference title with a 4-1 league record. Conference titles in football were few and far between for JHS in later years. In fact, this might have been the last one.
On the front page of the Nov. 20, 1987 edition of the Golden Times, Felicia Willett wrote about the upcoming Miss Hurricane pageant, and Stephanie Owens wrote about Perry Black’s speech in which he urged JHS students to “Say no to dope, yes to hope.” Does anybody remember that?
An editorial on page 2 lamented the weak spirit of Spirit Week. Apparently, costumes were not allowed in class on certain Homecoming theme days.
“For seniors this was their last Homecoming, and for some, it will not be remembered as their best ever.”
Monday, December 3, 2007
New Blog Author on Deck...
I'm excited to get another woman onboard as a blog author. Hopefully she will post sometime this week or the next. I just found out she loves reality tv as much as I do, she was in the JHS Marching band, a member of Thespians and the French Club and she is also married to another JHS 1988 Classmate. She lives in Arkansas but not in Jonesboro. Care to take a guess who the new blogger is? I know she will keep you entertained. :-)
I'd love to have more contributors to the blog. If you are interested in posting from time to time, please email us and I'll add you as an author. And if you're reading the blog, please leave a comment, I know lots of people are reading! [One tip on commenting, you DO NOT have to have a blogger account, just post anonymously and leave your name at the end to let us know who you are.]
I'd love to have more contributors to the blog. If you are interested in posting from time to time, please email us and I'll add you as an author. And if you're reading the blog, please leave a comment, I know lots of people are reading! [One tip on commenting, you DO NOT have to have a blogger account, just post anonymously and leave your name at the end to let us know who you are.]
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Danger! Death Cloud!
"That's the most dangerous thing that has ever happened at Jonesboro High School!" Those were the angry words spoken to me by none other than our beloved assistant principal Mr. Province. Even today, I vividly remember his bulging eyes, the vein threatening to pop on his perspiring forehead, and those red, irritated hands. God! Those red, irritated hands! Allow me to explain.
First though, introductions. My name is Stephen Hester, and I am whom Marcie was referring to in her previous blog post. As she mentioned, I was in a bunch of plays, had a minor role in a Bigfoot hoax (more on that later), co-founded the photography club (which we really wanted to call "The Potato Club") and wrote (until I was banned) for The Golden Times. However, I was also a photographer (until I was banned) for The Golden Times as well, which gets us back to my story.
As a photographer, I had access to the JHS darkroom, which is where we would develop the back & white photos for the newspaper. There was a particularly nasty chemical combination we used in the development process called "Stop Bath", which is made from highly concentrated acetic acid that was kept in a separate container in the darkroom. We photographers amused ourselves by constantly trying to trick others into inhaling deeply straight from the jug of acid. If successful, the subject would double over, coughing and hacking, saying things like, "I'm going to die." All in all, pretty funny.
On this particular day, Kevin Province (some relation to Mr. Province) was exercising his No. 2 right in the bathroom on the second floor next to the math department. Jay Melton and I thought this would be an excellent time to turn out the light in the bathroom and pour concentrated acetic acid all around the stall that Kevin currently occupied. As expected, he coughed and hacked and said he thought he was going to die. Again. All in all, pretty funny.
During the next period though, I was called to the Principal's Office. As I sat in the antechamber to that office, I noticed Principal Roger "Cold Fish Handshake" Callahan, Mr. Province and Mrs. Gaines sitting around a table with the now empty jug of acetic acid in the middle. Eventually Mr. Province emerged with the bulging eyes, popped-out vein and red, irritated hands -- red and irritated because he had spent the last thirty minutes on his knees cleaning the acid from the bathroom floor. He explained that the acid had mixed with the industrial strength, high-school-grade bathroom floor sanitizer/cleaner and formed a Death Cloud that was currently moving in an eastward direction at 3 mph down the math wing. Evacuation was being considered.
Needless to say, I was sent home in disgrace and subsequently banned for life from the JHS darkroom. My high school photography days were finished.
First though, introductions. My name is Stephen Hester, and I am whom Marcie was referring to in her previous blog post. As she mentioned, I was in a bunch of plays, had a minor role in a Bigfoot hoax (more on that later), co-founded the photography club (which we really wanted to call "The Potato Club") and wrote (until I was banned) for The Golden Times. However, I was also a photographer (until I was banned) for The Golden Times as well, which gets us back to my story.
As a photographer, I had access to the JHS darkroom, which is where we would develop the back & white photos for the newspaper. There was a particularly nasty chemical combination we used in the development process called "Stop Bath", which is made from highly concentrated acetic acid that was kept in a separate container in the darkroom. We photographers amused ourselves by constantly trying to trick others into inhaling deeply straight from the jug of acid. If successful, the subject would double over, coughing and hacking, saying things like, "I'm going to die." All in all, pretty funny.
On this particular day, Kevin Province (some relation to Mr. Province) was exercising his No. 2 right in the bathroom on the second floor next to the math department. Jay Melton and I thought this would be an excellent time to turn out the light in the bathroom and pour concentrated acetic acid all around the stall that Kevin currently occupied. As expected, he coughed and hacked and said he thought he was going to die. Again. All in all, pretty funny.
During the next period though, I was called to the Principal's Office. As I sat in the antechamber to that office, I noticed Principal Roger "Cold Fish Handshake" Callahan, Mr. Province and Mrs. Gaines sitting around a table with the now empty jug of acetic acid in the middle. Eventually Mr. Province emerged with the bulging eyes, popped-out vein and red, irritated hands -- red and irritated because he had spent the last thirty minutes on his knees cleaning the acid from the bathroom floor. He explained that the acid had mixed with the industrial strength, high-school-grade bathroom floor sanitizer/cleaner and formed a Death Cloud that was currently moving in an eastward direction at 3 mph down the math wing. Evacuation was being considered.
Needless to say, I was sent home in disgrace and subsequently banned for life from the JHS darkroom. My high school photography days were finished.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
And then there were four...
I've wrangled another blog contributor to post to the blog. Here are some clues. This JHS Class of 1988 classmate was a writer on the Golden Times newspaper and co-founded the photography club at JHS (hopefully he still has lots of photos to share). He was (and probably still is) an avid videographer, owning a video business with two other classmates when he was in high school—I was even his employee (probably not a very good one). He was a member of Camerata singers and was in many drama productions at JHS including: "The Nerd", "Bye, Bye Birdie", "Two by Two" and "Frankenstein". He also has a remembrance of a run-in with the a legendary "wild man of the woods". Hopefully he will relay that story here again. :-)
Monday, November 26, 2007
The way it was: October 23, 1987

Cast members of “Two by Two,” according to the caption on the "Golden Times" front page picture above, included John Bagnal, Melinda Miller, Robin Yates, Stephen Hester, Roxanne Keshawarz, Keith Salter, and Brooke Keton.
Hmmmm, eight people, seven names. Can anybody figure out whose name got left out of the caption? CLUE: He was voted as “Most Talented” in our class’ Who’s Who.
Sadly, since our 10-year reunion, we have learned that John Bagnal (front row, right) has passed away.
The other front-page story on Oct. 23 was about College Night, written by the aforementioned owner of a red Chevette.
Bocephus boogied at the Convocation Center, and James Goad described Mu Alpha Theta as “an awe-inspiring, thought-promoting club.”
“Hurricane Circus,” our Homecoming theme, dominated the inside pages. In sports, volleyball coach Phil Parker worried about injuries and inconsistent play threatening his team’s state title aspirations, while the football Hurricane overcame a 2-3 start to the season to win its first 2 conference games.
On the back page, Stephen Hester fondly recalled Buddence’s “date with Sue,” and I wrote something stupid mocking JHS’ student handbook rules. (My wife’s look at me was priceless when she read it for the first time last night.)
Friday, November 23, 2007
Little Red Chevette

Photo copyright: Telstar Logistics
The car I most remember in high school was Janice Drake's little red chevette. She got to drive first with a November birthday so her car was the first I got to ride around in. We went everywhere in it. It was a tank. She had no pictures to speak of, so I raided Flickr and found this (even if it is blue). Come to find out after graduation the Chevette eventually got a hole in it on the floor passenger's side. When it was moving you could lift the floor mat and see the pavement flying by! Your first car or ride, what did you drive or ride around in? I know some of my friends cars had nicknames, did yours?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thinking Inside the Box.

Here is the "before" and "after" picture of Jonesboro High School. We never knew it in it's "before" state. Kind of sad that we didn't. The current school building was designed by Jonesboro firm Little and Associates. This replaced the original building destroyed by a tornado on May 27th, 1973. I guess in the seventies this building was considered "bold and contemporary". There's something to be said for the classic design that was the original school. But "square" as it was when we were there, it still had its charm. Of course now, there is no "open classrooms" like we had in the english department in the 80s. Guess they realized that maybe that wasn't such a good idea. :-) I'm just glad we didn't have to go to school in trailers at the fairground like classes in the early seventies. But then again, I'm sure we would have had some stories to tell.
Reunion Meeting Update
A reunion meeting was held Saturday, November 17 @ 5pm. We finalized our schedule for the reunion weekend of October 10, 2008.
Friday Night:
• Tailgate at school starting at 5:30 pm until game time (School will be open for touring)
• JHS Homecoming Game
• After Game: Bonfire/Get-Together with live music
• For families early in the day: Picnic @ the Crowley's Ridge Nature Center (For those who haven't been, it's a fun place for kids & adults)
• Saturday Night we will have a dinner and dance with live band at the Jonesboro Country Club
After the meeting we had dinner in downtown Jonesboro. A good time was had by all. Our next meeting will be held in January after the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays. We're excited about the plans for the reunion, we hope you guys will be too. :-)
Friday Night:
• Tailgate at school starting at 5:30 pm until game time (School will be open for touring)
• JHS Homecoming Game
• After Game: Bonfire/Get-Together with live music
• For families early in the day: Picnic @ the Crowley's Ridge Nature Center (For those who haven't been, it's a fun place for kids & adults)
• Saturday Night we will have a dinner and dance with live band at the Jonesboro Country Club
After the meeting we had dinner in downtown Jonesboro. A good time was had by all. Our next meeting will be held in January after the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays. We're excited about the plans for the reunion, we hope you guys will be too. :-)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Class of 1988 Flickr Group
A Flickr group for photos of the JHS Class of 1988 has been started here. If you have photos to share from high school, upload them to Flickr and add them to this group. Please try to make them "PG" so everyone will enjoy them. :-) You can also reach the group by clicking on the Flickr icon on the right side bar. Looking forward to seeing your photos!
P.S. I just thought I'd mention it's free to join but if you prefer not to join, email the photos to: in .jpg format and I will upload them for you. :-)
P.S. I just thought I'd mention it's free to join but if you prefer not to join, email the photos to: in .jpg format and I will upload them for you. :-)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Space Shuttle Challenger
It was January 28, 1986 and I remember I was home sick from school, but I watched the Challenger takeoff on tv. I remember seeing the explosion and thinking something terrible had happened but the announcers never showed any emotion. It was really strange. Do you remember where you were? Read more about the Challenger disaster here.
Friday, November 9, 2007
160 Classmates Contacted To Date!
To date we have contact information for 160 people out of 296! We are also looking for people that started out with our class but might not have graduated with us.Our second reunion planning meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 17 at 5 pm. We will finalize the reunion weekend schedule and call the remaining classmates that we do not have contact information. Here are the directions to the Associated Engineering office (Thank you again Marvin & Ashley):
Drive north on Church St. toward the railroad tracks. Church St. dead ends at the Associated Engineering office (green building) parking lot. The address is 103 S. Church—go through the gate to the double glass doors.
The building is the old Caldwell Furniture building. Please come if you are in town.
NOTICE: The date for the reunion is set for the weekend of October 10, 2008. More information will be sent out as soon as it becomes definite.
In trying to find people, "JHSClassof1988" is now on myspace and facebook. If you are a member visit our page or send us a message. This blog is updated almost daily so keep checking back!
Drive north on Church St. toward the railroad tracks. Church St. dead ends at the Associated Engineering office (green building) parking lot. The address is 103 S. Church—go through the gate to the double glass doors.
The building is the old Caldwell Furniture building. Please come if you are in town.
NOTICE: The date for the reunion is set for the weekend of October 10, 2008. More information will be sent out as soon as it becomes definite.
In trying to find people, "JHSClassof1988" is now on myspace and facebook. If you are a member visit our page or send us a message. This blog is updated almost daily so keep checking back!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The way it was: Sept. 28, 1987
“Congratulations to the new Arkansas Junior Miss, Kristy Chitmon.”
Three lines in “News Notes” at the bottom left corner of the Sept. 28, 1987, edition of the Golden Times. The judges may have found Kristy to be the all-around prettiest, smartest and most talented girl in Arkansas, but this is all the respect she got from the school press. Sorry, Kristy.
“Homecoming: Oct. 16-17” was at the top of the front page, with the announcement of JHS’ drama lineup also on the front. “Two by Two,” “The Nerd,” and “It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Superman!” were the upcoming plays for the school year.
Three lines in “News Notes” at the bottom left corner of the Sept. 28, 1987, edition of the Golden Times. The judges may have found Kristy to be the all-around prettiest, smartest and most talented girl in Arkansas, but this is all the respect she got from the school press. Sorry, Kristy.
“Homecoming: Oct. 16-17” was at the top of the front page, with the announcement of JHS’ drama lineup also on the front. “Two by Two,” “The Nerd,” and “It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Superman!” were the upcoming plays for the school year.
Shawn Herget and Felicia Willett cooked up a piece about “School spirit still shaking at JHS” for our center photo spread. There’s a picture (above) of Shawn handing the spirit stick to – who else?– the SENIORS, and a certain future city planning commissioner making the Day with his dramatic arrival as the “Black Flash.”
The football team was out to a 2-1 start and the volleyball team was 9-3, and I filled 2 pages without photos writing about those teams.
On the back page, Stephen Hester mocked sophomores and David Bennett discussed Dead Elvis Week, the Rameses Exhibit and something about a panda.
Graduation still seemed an eon away.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Friday Night Games

Whether you went to the game or not, most Friday nights revolved around the football game itself. What were you doing "before the game", what was happening "after the game", and for a lot of people you actually went TO the game. You were a participant in football, cheerleading, band or you were the spectators. What do you remember about the Hurricane football games you went to?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Do you know where your HS Class Ring Is?
I remember finding my Dad's college ring when I was young and I asked him about his HS ring. He told be how he lost it while swimming in FL during Spring Break. He felt it slipping off his finger and could not grab it before the waves swept it away.
I wonder why I still have this HS ring. It just sits around. I'm sure it is worth something if I melted it down. It is hard to let go of the memories it represents. No matter how much dust it collects. My kids are too small now but maybe someday they will ask me about my HS ring. [If Katie watches HS Musical much more, she may want to wear it on a chain!] I guess if I have kept up with it for 20 years, I might as well keep it a while longer.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Who Is That Masked Man?

Of course it's our beloved mascot, "Flash". The most original mascot in Northeast Arkansas who is no more. :-( There were three people who donned the "Flash" costume during our tenure at JHS. Can you remember any of the three? I especially liked the "special effects" where Flash would throw fire. I wonder if we could dig up one of these costumes before next year? Any hints?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Goodbye Indian Mall. Hello Turtle Creek.

Photo credit: Fashionshop Guy 1483
If you haven't been to Jonesboro in 20, 10 or even the past couple of years, you have to come see how it's changed. If you remember going to Indian Mall on Saturdays as a lot of us did back in high school, that's a distant memory for kids in town today. Indian Mall is barely open with maybe three or four stores left. There are plans to develop it into an updated mall at a later date. The new mall is The Mall at Turtle Creek. For Jonesboro, it's definitely a big step up. It's located at the intersection of Stadium Boulevard and East Highland Drive. Dillards has moved over there as well as J.C. Penny and numerous other stores new to the area such as Barnes & Noble and Circuit City have opened. Check out the Turtle Creek link for more info.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thank You!
I'm excited that Kevin Myatt, a previous "Golden Hurricane" co-editor and writer has agreed to contribute his professional expertise to the JHS Reunion Blog. Kevin now writes for the "Roanoke Times" in Roanoke, Virginia and has his own weather blog for the paper. Go check out his blog when you get a chance. Also, thank you to Charles Brinkley who has agreed to post from time to time as well. You can catch him on the web here. If anyone else would like to contribute posts that are related to our reunion or the 80s please email your request and I'll add you as an author.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Those Times were Golden ... or were they?
This ranks among the most surreal moments of my life -- 19 years and 730 miles removed from Jonesboro High School-1988, and I have been retyping a column I wrote for the high school newspaper. I NEVER EVER expected to be rewriting something from the Golden Times again in my life!
At the prompting of the mysterious "mbc," our dear JHS Class of 88 blog queen, from a previous post about the "JHS-We Have It All" bumper sticker, I am posting my column about the bumper sticker that sparked outrage from the principal. (mbc, of all people, should know a little something about how high school principal types react to things) I am going to post it in a comment to keep this from being an enormous entry that pushes Rev. Run off the front page ... so enter the comments section at your own risk. I'm almost embarrassed to dredge this up.
You've probably figured out by now that I'm the second classmate "mbc" referred to that would be helping her with the blog. I'll be doing 2 things in the coming months: (1) retracing the 1987-88 school year from the pages of the Golden Times, which I have for some reason kept in their entirety if for no other reason than to torture myself by rediscovering some of my truly awful writing from the 1980s, and (2) doing a series of short profiles on many of our classmates.
So you might be hearing from me sometime soon!
At the prompting of the mysterious "mbc," our dear JHS Class of 88 blog queen, from a previous post about the "JHS-We Have It All" bumper sticker, I am posting my column about the bumper sticker that sparked outrage from the principal. (mbc, of all people, should know a little something about how high school principal types react to things) I am going to post it in a comment to keep this from being an enormous entry that pushes Rev. Run off the front page ... so enter the comments section at your own risk. I'm almost embarrassed to dredge this up.
You've probably figured out by now that I'm the second classmate "mbc" referred to that would be helping her with the blog. I'll be doing 2 things in the coming months: (1) retracing the 1987-88 school year from the pages of the Golden Times, which I have for some reason kept in their entirety if for no other reason than to torture myself by rediscovering some of my truly awful writing from the 1980s, and (2) doing a series of short profiles on many of our classmates.
So you might be hearing from me sometime soon!
When Nintendo Was King
This is an Inside Edition clip doing a feature on the Mario Brothers game craze and the influence of Nintendo in 1988.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hello from Charles Brinkley
Hey Everyone! First, thanks to mbc for letting me blog on the JHS site. It has been fun reliving all the memories from our youth! I wanted to tell everyone about an event I am part of - The World's Biggest Blog Party. A good friend came up the idea to unite bloggers around the world from Oct 27th (Make a Difference Day0 to Nov. 17th (Family Volunteer Day). Check out the posts and sign up to blog about a charity or mission project that you are passionate about. Keep in touch!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Calling All Packrats...
If you have any high school memorabilia or photos that you have kept that you think would be interesting to share, either scan them or take a picture and send it to us as a jpg file so we can post it. Include a short description or story to go along with it. Or maybe the photo itself tells the whole story. :-)
Also, I've enlisted the help of two more classmates to help with the postings on the blog. Keep checking back to see who the "mystery" bloggers will be...
Also, I've enlisted the help of two more classmates to help with the postings on the blog. Keep checking back to see who the "mystery" bloggers will be...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
80s Flashback...

Remember the classic 80s band "Run DMC"? Fast forward into the millenium, Reverend Run from the same band has had his own reality show with his family and also has a daily affirmations email you can subscribe to. Here's the link for some great words of wisdom. Here's today's message: "Good morning. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Without kindness, there can be no true joy." Thanks, Ashley. :-)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Do You Remember Junior Prom?

Do you remember junior prom? I do. We worked hard and built an awesome boat (well, PARTIAL boat) and got great decorations for the seniors along with a theme that went along with an 80s song, "Never Say Goodbye". And what do we get senior year? Yeah, we got "Stairway To Heaven" with a few balloons and some streamers. Isn't that song from the 1970s? So appropriate. What do you remember about your junior prom?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Did We Have It All?

Who had this bumper sticker? I think this was one of about five stickers I had on my car (didn't know back then that "less is more"). I remember Kevin Myatt wrote a newspaper article commentary about this bumper sticker that he may or may not have taken some heat for. He might need to jump in and refresh our old "37/38 year old" memories. What do you think? Did we "have it all"?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The 80's Zone
Here's is the video that was made for our ten year reunion. We played it at the Elks Club on that Friday night. I don't think everyone got to see it in full. Now here it is.
VH1's I Love The 80's
Go check out VH1's "I Love The 80's" and see some fun facts of events that happened in 1988. A couple of interesting items: Prozac was introduced to the public and The Greenhouse Effect was discovered. These two items don't necessarily go together. :-)
Classmate Blogs or Websites?
If you have a personal blog or website, just leave a comment with your name and the address or send us an email at: and we'll link you to the blog.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Ready For Your Closeup?
On the right hand side of the blog is a survey asking your opinion on posting video from 20 years ago on this blog through Video could include clips of any high school event that was videotaped (sporting events, pageants, plays, musicals, graduation, etc). We also have the video that was put together at our 10 year reunion. Please vote and let us know your opinion on posting video clips to the blog. Personally, I'd like to see the clip of Ashley Thompson Day during the talent portion of the Sweetheart pageant slicing a pineapple with these HUGE knives that she twirled—now that was impressive. :-) I wonder how she did that?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Memories From High School?
Anyone have any funny or interesting stories or memories from high school that you think are "blog-worthy"? Please email and send in memories that you'd like to share with the class. You can be anonymous or you can post your name. Send them in and I'll post them on the blog. The only requirement: Let's try to keep the posts "Positive and PG". (If you really want to be "gung-ho", let me know and I'll add your name so you're able to post directly to the blog) If anyone is listening, I'd personally like to know the "whole story" behind the Big Foot Hoax. :-)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Do You Remember...?
This is pre-high school but still from 1982. Do you remember the premiere of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" on MTV?
Friday, October 12, 2007
JHS Graduation 1988

In case you've lost your commencement program from 1988, or simply do not remember your graduation almost twenty years ago, here's a peek at the inside of the program, minus the class list.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
133 Class Members Contacted To Date!
Out of our graduating class of 296, 133 people have been contacted at this time. If you have NOT received an email from regarding the reunion, we may not have your email so contact us at that address. If you do not have an email address we will send hard copy information at a later date. If you know of someone that started out in our class but did not graduate with us for whatever reason, and you know they would like to come to the reunion, please forward their information as well. We appreciate and need everyone's help in finding everyone's contact information! Keep them coming!
NOTICE: The reunion date is set for the weekend of October 10, 2008. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
NOTICE: The reunion date is set for the weekend of October 10, 2008. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Classic Movie Clips
No matter how unrealistic this movie may be (Would a principal really leave kids in detention unsupervised? And how could one kid write everyone's essay and get away with it?) it's still a classic. What was your favorite 80s movie?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Who Knew They Still Made These?

I realize this is more around our junior high rather than high school days but I couldn't believe a company still makes these. So if you're in the market for a pair you can grab them at the Parachute Pants Store. You've got to love google and the "internets".
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Reunion Date Set
The weekend of October 10, 2008 has been set as our 20 year reunion date. Please mark your calendars. Now we are checking prices and venues for that weekend. We will update the site with more info. as soon as it's available. To take a shortcut directly to the "Reunion Info", check the right sidebar under "Search Blog By Subject" and choose "Reunion Information". The blog will be updated regularly with more memories from our time at JHS so check back often. You might see a familiar face or two.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
JHS Receives Honor from Newsweek...
Your alma mater, Jonesboro High School was recently named in the "top 5% of some 27,000 high schools in the country" according to Newsweek magazine. For the full story check it out here.
First Reunion Meeting—Sunday, Sept. 30
If you are in and around Jonesboro, our first 20 yr reunion meeting is scheduled for Sunday, September 30 at 4 p.m. Here are the directions:
Drive north on Church St. toward the railroad tracks. Church St. deadends at the Associated Engineering office (green building) parking lot. The address is 103 S. Church- go through the gate to the double glass doors.
The building is the old Caldwell Furniture building.
If you are in town, please try and come. If you know of someone in Jonesboro that is not on the email list, please let them know about the meeting and forward their contact information to this email address: . If you are out of town, check the blog after that date for reunion information. We still need addresses/emails of people we went to school with so if you have any more people you could find, please forward them on. Thanks so much. :-)
Drive north on Church St. toward the railroad tracks. Church St. deadends at the Associated Engineering office (green building) parking lot. The address is 103 S. Church- go through the gate to the double glass doors.
The building is the old Caldwell Furniture building.
If you are in town, please try and come. If you know of someone in Jonesboro that is not on the email list, please let them know about the meeting and forward their contact information to this email address: . If you are out of town, check the blog after that date for reunion information. We still need addresses/emails of people we went to school with so if you have any more people you could find, please forward them on. Thanks so much. :-)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
What 80s Movie Persona Are You?
You are Andie Walsh from Pretty in Pink You are original and clever person. Although your family may not be able to buy you all the cool stuff you want, you are able to make cool stuff for yourself. Like a rocking 80’s prom dress. Take this quiz at |
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Bono Bridge in Jonesboro Sun

I was surprised to see a Bono Bridge story in the Jonesboro Sun today and I had to share. (If your memory is failing you, Bono Bridge was a spot people would go and stand until the train sped under it. We must have been WAY bored.) Apparently residents are demanding that it be replaced or updated. They say it might be over 100 yrs old. Here's the link to read the story.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Test Your 80s Knowledge
Try this quiz if you think you know your 80s. See if you can get a high score. Post your score in comments if you dare. Mine was 110 not that great.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Does anyone have a membership to You can't post info there unless you have a membership. That would be a good place to leave a message to find "classmates". I'd appreciate it if someone could post this blog link on any bulletin board about "JHS 1988 Reunions" to let people know where to send their info and where to receive updates. Thanks.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Jonesboro High School Class of 1988
Graduates of Jonesboro High School in Jonesboro, Arkansas from 1988—It's that time. Our 20 year class reunion is almost here. Please send your addresses or emails to: so we can get in touch with you and send you an invite. Please leave us your full name (including maiden name) and email or regular mail address. Looking forward to seeing you in 2008!
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