I saw my HS Class ring in my wife's jewelry box the other day. It still fits but I never wear it. Does anyone remember all the symbolism that went with the ring? I vaguely remember something about the 3 palm trees representing our Soph., Jr., & Sr. years. The Star on the sides was for setting our goals high. While we were in HS, we were supposed to wear the ring so that WE could read JONESBORO HIGH on the crest. After we graduated, we were supposed to turn it around so others could read the it. Funny story, I worked with a guy at Hays on Washington who was a year younger than us. When he got his class ring, I noticed the Star of David on the stone. I said "I didn't know you are Jewish". He said "I'm not ... I just liked the way the star looked." I busted out laughing! [I'll try to remember more Hay's stories].
I remember finding my Dad's college ring when I was young and I asked him about his HS ring. He told be how he lost it while swimming in FL during Spring Break. He felt it slipping off his finger and could not grab it before the waves swept it away.
I wonder why I still have this HS ring. It just sits around. I'm sure it is worth something if I melted it down. It is hard to let go of the memories it represents. No matter how much dust it collects. My kids are too small now but maybe someday they will ask me about my HS ring. [If Katie watches HS Musical much more, she may want to wear it on a chain!] I guess if I have kept up with it for 20 years, I might as well keep it a while longer.
Great post! I was thinking about my high school ring the other day and wondering where it was. I remember my parents telling me I had a choice to get a regular ring (because I would wear it longer) or a high school ring and I chose to get the JHS one. I'm glad I chose the high school ring even if I can't find it. :-) Marcie
My sister is 7 years younger than me and it was cool at JHS during her time if you wore your big sister/brother's high school ring. I gave mine to her for Christmas and she lost it on a hayride. That was a cool looking ring too!!
Charles - I hope you remember the time you, Mike Hawkins, Misty and I went to the haunted house at the fairgrounds and you sprayed fart spray in a crowd of people and ran back to Misty's car. We sat in her Mom's convertable and watched them scatter. That still makes me laugh after all of these years!!
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