Who had this bumper sticker? I think this was one of about five stickers I had on my car (didn't know back then that "less is more"). I remember Kevin Myatt wrote a newspaper article commentary about this bumper sticker that he may or may not have taken some heat for. He might need to jump in and refresh our old "37/38 year old" memories. What do you think? Did we "have it all"?
Yeah, Mr. Callahan and I had a warm, fuzzy discussion about my commentary on that bumper sticker. Turns out he was the one who came up with the words, and he didn't like it much that I was making fun of his creative muse.
I think I still have one though, buried somewhere in my boxes, along with "JHS-The Heart of Jonesboro" from a year or 2 before.
Did we have it all? I don't know if we did then, but the Class of 88 has it all now!
Kevin, if you still have that article you wrote about the bumper sticker, you need to post it!
Kevin - I hope you have that article. You guys have a great memory. I forgot about that sticker. I checked out your blog Kevin - very nice. We needed the rain here in Maryville. When I visited J'boro a couple of weeks ago I could not believe how lush & green it was. The drought in East TN has made everything brown. You really notice when you go back to a lush area. Any more alums with a BLOG?
I do have that article and all those "Golden Times" papers in a folder ... some of that stuff makes me cringe when I read it now ... I'll see if I can get that article up here ...
Great to hear from you Charles, and see your blog. Don't we have some more JHS-88ers in east Tenneseee? I drive through there frequently on the way from Virginia to Arkansas.
I grew up wanting to do weather, got sidetracked into journalism, and now I get to do both.
We did have it all - and a bag of chips!
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