Those of us who went to MacArthur knew Mr. David Hawkins. I was sad to find out he passed away yesterday. I remember him as one of my favorite teachers growing up. Mr. Hawkins moved down to MacArthur from the high school our 9th grade year to teach physical science. He had a great sense of humor and made his classes fun and interesting. Mr. Hawkins taught in the Jonesboro School District for 32 years and retired from teaching in 2006. To sign the online guest book go to www.emersonfuneralhome.com.
I liked Mr. Hawkins a lot, actually got to know him better years later when he would be hanging around at some of the games I covered for the paper (he was a fixture at JHS games, carrying his cup of coffee). What I remember about him as a teacher, though, is that he would make us all write out every question at the end of each textbook chapter and have an answer and then at the end of the semester he would check it for a 100 or ZERO grade -- nothing in between. One question was missing, ZERO. Inevitably, there I was the night before every time, frantically copying questions and writing out answers for several chapters.
I remember the coffee cup trick, you would have to come up to his desk and draw a number out of the cup to see which order you would come up in front of class, and every once in a while he would switch the cup on someone and they would stick their hand in coffee. There are days now when I am teaching Jr. High I think about him and how much I enjoyed his class.
I remember the year we had Mr. Hawkins was the year we had to go to school on Saturdays because of snow. Of course we were not happy at all and complained a lot! When we got to Mr. Hawkins class he put his feet on his desk and told us to do whatever we wanted because he didn't work on Saturdays. We thought he was very cool.
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