I remember in the summer they usually had a hot dog stand out front of the store. When the stand closed down, they would give the left over hot dogs to the stockboys. One time, a co-worker ran into the stockroom and asked "Mr Morris" if he could go on break cause he just got some free HOT DOGS. Without blinking an eye, Mark asked "Did you get me one?" When he replied "No", Mark said "Then you got some COLD DOGS...get back to work!" The rest of us just busted out laughing! The customers that visited the Washington Store were a HOOT! I remember one lady asking if the "Tomato Ketchup" was better than the regular Ketchup. (Maybe you had to be there!) Sometimes after busting it all night to get the store stocked some of us would drive to West Memphis to eat Krystal hamburgers. I still LOVE Krystals ... I can't believe they did not make it in Jonesboro! Some of my coworkers included Mike Hawkins, Jason Grubb, Mark Morris, Mickey Ryan (HHS), Joe Crumpton, Sydney Linderman, and Lawrence Williams (at Woodsprings store). Lawrence was in a Hays commerical juggling oranges to "Benny and the Jets".
At graduation, Mike & I thought it would be funny to send Benny Hays (THE MAN HIMSELF) a graduation announcement. The next week at work, the Manager called Mike and I out to his car ..... Mr. Hays had a gift for us because we were the only ones that sent him an announcement. If I remember it was a thick, green towel!
Working in High School was one of the best times of my life. There was no bills or mortgage... just had to make enough to put gas the my 1974 Dodge Challenger and have some left for dates. I saved up money to buy a leather "Members Only" Bomber jacket. If I remember correctly, it cost $250 in 1987. I still wear that jacket to work! What a great investment! (However, Tonya says it is time to give it up!) NEVER! I at $3.35 per hour (my starting rate), I worked over 80 hours just to buy that jacket.
So tell me about where you worked during High School!
I know when people read this they will have to roll their eyes but I didn't have a "real" job in high school, but after I graduated it's an experience I wish I had. Of course I always enjoyed visiting friends at work. I used to love to hear their "work stories" and felt left out. You guys have some great work stories to tell—you know who you are!
Charles, I'm impressed you still have that jacket. If you kept it this long, I'd go ahead and keep it until it falls apart. And I loved Krystals too! But they did lose their appeal when it wasn't a "special" trip just to get them. :-) I enjoyed your post!
Charles, I remember you and Mike working at Hays! That was around the time he and I were dating. You two were always SO much fun to be around!
My first (and only) high school job was at McDonalds on Nettleton. I got a job there because my best friend, Shanon Sayle, worked there. It was fun but I only lasted from April '86 through October '86.
I babysat a lot throughout high school + I worked at that Chinese restaurant near the mall for 2 weeks (it was awful.) Then Michaela Cathey recommended me to the great owner of Jonesboro Microfiche; I worked there until I graduated high school. I then recommended Kim Sims and I heard she worked there through the summer and for several summers after that.
I,of course, worked at dads shoe Store - "The Perfect Pair"
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