Name: Kevin Myatt
Family: Wife, Erica, married in 2005; dog, Cindy, 9 years old, (found as a stray in Cushman, Ark.)
Location: Roanoke, Virginia
Unlike many of his classmates who left town soon after graduation for new adventures, Kevin was 26 before he got out of Jonesboro and 29 before he left Arkansas, but he’s found a home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
A scheduling change – choosing to take journalism in the 10th grade when all the typing classes were full -- charted Kevin on an unexpected career course over the next two decades. He spent 8 years writing for The Jonesboro Sun (getting an Arkansas State journalism degree during that time), 3 years as an editor at the Batesville Daily Guard, and then moved to Roanoke, Virginia, in late 1999 to become a copy editor at the Roanoke Times.
In Roanoke, he incorporates an old love into his work, as he writes a twice-weekly weather column for The Roanoke Times and maintains a weather blog for the newspaper’s Web site, May, he assists a local meteorology teacher in leading high school and college students into the Plains to observe severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. The team has had its vans banged by golfball-sized hail and shaken by 70-mph winds, but has succeeded in close encounters with powerful thunderstorms and a few tornadoes each of the last three years.
"A lot of storm chasing is not as exciting as it's shown on TV -- there's a lot of driving and waiting," Kevin said. "I think last week's deadly tornado outbreak in the South underscores the need to give young people who might go into meteorology as a career a real-life experience with severe storms.”
But Kevin would rank his weather column and chasing tornadoes below two other developments since moving to Virginia.
(1) His closer walk with the Lord and involvement in Christian ministry. He currently serves on the vestry of a 1,000-member evangelical Anglican congregation.
(2) Marrying his wife Erica in 2005. Erica and Kevin share work and faith together -- she is the editor of a local feature section at The Roanoke Times, and she often sings at two different churches in Roanoke. In fact ... she sang to him during their wedding.“I was a little geeky, but harmless,” Kevin recalls his high school days. “I was generally friendly to those who spoke to me or got to know me, but not outgoing at all.
“Today I’m much more confident – assured in my geekiness, you might say – and much warmer and fuzzier – literally fuzzier since I usually have a thick beard.”
I know everyone will enjoy reading your bios on the blog. Thanks again for volunteering.
I love it Kevin! What a great life you've carved out for yourself. You should be very proud!!
Nice job Kevin. Interesting to learn how something like not being able to get into a typing class can start a career.
Great bio! I wouldn't AT ALL say you were geeky! We were all a little "green" back in the day no matter what group we were in.
You were a wonderful guy back then and sound pretty great now, too.
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