Reminder for in-town classmates, there will be a reunion meeting Saturday, February 2 @ 5pm at the Associated Engineering Offices. For those that are able, we will go out to eat afterwards.
Drive north on Church St. toward the railroad tracks. Church St. deadends at the Associated Engineering office (green building) parking lot. The address is 103 S. Church- go through the gate to the double glass doors.
The building is the old Caldwell Furniture building.
If you are in town, please try and come.
To date we have found 196 classmates out of our graduating 296. We still need to find everyone so keep sending in addresses and emails! We appreciate everyone's help!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
"Never Say Goodbye"
Who was your favorite band in high school? If your are female, I know Bonjovi is at the top of your list. I remember many nights cruising and listening to "Slippery When Wet". I think Janet Stallings and I played it until the tape disintegrated. Jon was the ultimate long-haired guy. Amazingly, he is still just as sexy... His concerts must be awesome today... A bunch of 40 year olds throwing their underwear on stage. Now if your male, I know your saying "Appetite For Destruction" by Guns n Roses. Unfortunately Axl did not remain as attractive or successful... I know they are pretty mainstream. What other bands did you crank while cruising?
Friday, January 25, 2008
New Blogger Alert!
Get ready for a new blogger to appear in the coming days. This JHS classmate was involved in many high school activities including: Camerata Singers, Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, Cheerleading and French Club. She was also a cast member of several JHS dramas and musicals. I especially remember her playing "Rosie" in "Bye, Bye Birdie"—one of my favorite musicals. Thank you for volunteering to help post!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Snakes, Whips & Skulls

Who's ready for the new Indiana Jones movie, "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" coming out in May? I love me some Indiana Jones. I've got the vision of the young "Indy" in my head, so I hope they sprinkle some cinema magic on him so he resembles the Harrison Ford from the 80s so I won't be too disappointed. They've already done some great Photoshop work on his movie poster. :-) What's you're favorite "Indiana Jones" movie? If you're a child of the 80s, you've got to be a fan of Dr. Jones.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Great 80s TV
Guess what I am watching right now? My favorite TV show from high school. Can you guess? It's "Miami Vice"!! I remember videotaping the show on Friday nights because I was always at a JHS football game performing with the band. I would get home and watch my favorite show and just dream, dream, dream about Don Johnson. That show embodied all of the decadence that was the 80s. Neon colors, big hair, loafers without socks, Don Johnson. It's good stuff people.
So what were some of your favorite 80s TV shows?
So what were some of your favorite 80s TV shows?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
In Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. was first honored with a national holiday in his name on January 20, 1986. Stevie Wonder created a single, "Happy Birthday" in 1980 in support of making King's birthday a national holiday. There was also a tribute song recorded and dedicated to him in 1986 called "King Holiday". It was sung by a group of 80s artists including: El DeBarge, Fat Boys, Lisa Lisa, Teena Marie, Menudo, New Edition & Run-D.M.C.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Drama Queen?
In searching my brain for a post, any post having to do with high school or the 80s (you people are more than welcome to help post, just send me an email and you can be added as an author) I thought about this. If you could go back to high school, is there something you wish you would have tried? Or something you wish you could have changed? Either one. I always wished I would have tried out for a drama production or at least helped out backstage. Always thought about it but too scared to get up there and audition. I loved Mr. Salter's speech & drama class, though. That gave me a little fix. I always thought life would be so much fun as a musical even though I can't sing. Now it's your turn. If you're lurking and haven't commented, now's your chance.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hey Trendsetter!
Have any of you paid attention to the state of today's teenagers? The Seniors of today have morphed into one general-looking person. Most of the girls are rail-thin, have long hair, wear jeans that show some of their crackage and look like they are 25. The boys all have wind-swept hair and look like they've stepped out of an add for Old Navy (notice I didn't say Benetton, which ROCKED the 80s). I look back through our JHS yearbook and see wonderful individuals! Sure, the girls had crispy-sprayed big hair and wore tapered jeans and the guys wore ripped Levi 501s and thin cotton ties but we all had our own unique look.
What was a favorite outfit or look that you rocked in the 80s?? I think mine would have to be my faded Guess jeans (tapered, of course) that had an authentic rip which occurred in Madame Guillaume's French class. I had a lumberjack-ish flannel shirt (before Kurt Cobain made them stylish) and big, big hair! The outfit was completed with my black high-top Reeboks and white scrunch socks. Ah! Those were the days.
Now, lets hear from you!
What was a favorite outfit or look that you rocked in the 80s?? I think mine would have to be my faded Guess jeans (tapered, of course) that had an authentic rip which occurred in Madame Guillaume's French class. I had a lumberjack-ish flannel shirt (before Kurt Cobain made them stylish) and big, big hair! The outfit was completed with my black high-top Reeboks and white scrunch socks. Ah! Those were the days.
Now, lets hear from you!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Who Needs Encyclopedias? Use Wikipedia.
Remember the cumbersome set of encyclopedias we had to use in high school (ours were from the 70s so it wasn't the most updated info). I'm sure you do like I do now and just "google" a search to find an answer to almost anything you'd like to know. By the way who knew "google" would become a verb? Then again, who ever knew we'd communicate like we do over the internet (probably Al Gore). But if you ever yearn to use an encyclopedia again, use one that is continually updated. It's called "Wikipedia". "Wikipedia (pronounced /ˌwiːkiˈpiːdiə/ or /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə/) is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia project. The name Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words wiki (a type of collaborative website) and encyclopedia. Wikipedia's articles provide links to guide the user to related pages with additional information. (from Wikipedia)" You can find so much in here. I even found information on Jonesboro High School. Check it out.
Friday, January 4, 2008
The big snow

Our senior year had something special: A big snow.
It wasn’t the typical 2 inches of slush that melts 3 hours after the sun comes out, like is more typical of Arkansas. What fell on January 6-7, 1988, was 8-10 inches of ski-quality powder that stayed on the ground more than a week. In fact, some of you did ski Stroud hill.
Having just come back to class the previous Monday after the holiday break, we got out Wednesday through Friday, leading into a weekend.
We probably shouldn’t have been out that Wednesday. Superintendent Bill Beasley decided to cancel classes that day in anticipation of the big snow on its way. But the snow didn’t start until about 4:30 that afternoon. I guess he made up for it the following Monday when we went back to school even though most of the secondary roads were still covered by snow and ice.
The photo above from the yearbook shows our classmates Meredith Fairhead, Stephen Watkins and Ashley Lincoln, along with Meredith’s junior class sister Margaret Fairhead, trudging back to class one of those early days the following week. Looks more like Duluth than Jonesboro!
Many of you who were in band have an unhappy snow memory later in 1988. What was a pretty puny snow in Jonesboro in February was much heavier to south, and the band was prevented from making a trip to an event in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. If my memory serves, the bus made it as far as Trumann before the decision was made to come back to Jonesboro. Perhaps some of you “band geeks” can enlighten this “weather geek” about that.
We only had a few little snows during our sophomore and junior years, but our ninth-grade year had so many snow days that we had classes on some Saturdays – Janice alluded to this in a comment to the entry on David Hawkins’ death.
The JHS band had an interesting experience returning from the Fiesta Bowl parade that year, and a few of our more musically inclined freshmen classmates got to be part of it. The band got delayed on its way home by heavy snow across parts of New Mexico and Texas. They finally got home to find half a foot of snow here as well.
Do you have any snow memories from high school?
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